Necklace (Igorot)

Four similar pieces of jewelry that frame a larger center piece; They are partially wrapped in fabric (?).
See: Publ.Dresdner Museum Vol. VIII 1890: 14 fig. 1: kidney-shaped plate made of brass from Tingianinnen, Mayumans, Abra, Gran Cordillera.
In the "Album" by Meyer and Schadenburg 1891, this style of jewelry can only be seen on panel 41, Bontoc-Igorotenfrau, (as earrings) and on panel 31, strung together to form necklaces, worn by Kiangan men and women.
Jenks: The Bontoc Igorots 1905: 185; Nat.Geogr.Mag. Sept. 1912 (Hf.9, Vol.108): 878,881,3 as hair accessories for men and women Ifugao.

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