Hip scarf (Bayya-ung)

Skirt for the gentleman, made of five parts: two mirror-image, rectangular side panels, a sewn-in central strip and two transverse bands on the narrow sides of the cloth, all in a chain-rib weave. The rectangular side panels are streaked with red, blue, green and yellow warp threads. For this purpose, white patterns (St. Andrew's crosses, angles, rectangles, rhombuses, etc.) are made on the blue stripes on the front of the cloth using alternating blue and white warp threads, while a fine white banding is visible on the back (chain technique). The central stripe is white and red striped lengthways and has a red and green pattern at the ends using the decorative technique. The transverse bands on the narrow sides have green and purple stripes in a chain pattern. According to Lamprecht (1958: 17-19, Fig. XII), the bayya-ung are originally garments of the wealthy.
Lit .: Lamprecht, F .: The Ifugao Weaving. In: Folklore Studies, Vol.17, 1958: 1-53

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