Procision [sic] de la Semana Santa; y costumbre de Manila., 19th century.
Lilly Catalog: accessed 2018.: An undated water-color signed Por M. Ortega, depicting a Holy Week procession in Manila, folded and bound in boards.
Annotations (30 March 2023) The piece is signed "Por M. Ortega" on page 1
Other handwritten texts in Spanish (with localized orthograpghy) include
S. Pedro
Señor del Huerto
Señor de la Pacensia
Señor de Tres Cabida
Cristo Crucificado
Paro. del Trendimiento ?
Initial photos of this Watercolour were taken by Jorge Mojarro and posted by Luis Sorando Muzás here:
Later reposted by Jesse Limdee - which has a good crowdsourced discussion on the exact place this was painted from: ( some contend it is from Vigan).
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