Items tagged "Hat": 210
Conical hat
Oval Hat (Manobo)
Woven hat
Woven hat of cross-band design
Woven hat with wide checkered pattern
Woven hat with horizontal dark banding
Woven hat, bowler style with wood finial
Woven hat with bamboo weave rim
Hat woven of plantain leaves with bamboo finial
Hat woven with three vertical lines with triangles
Woven hat with wood finial
Woven hat of cross-hatched bamboo strips with nut form finial
Woven leaf hat with red yarn tassel
Woven leaf hat with woven bamboo at rim and finial
Woven hat with repeating horizontal line design
Woven hat with painted design
Woven hat with pink wood finial
Woven hat with six-petal foliate designs
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